Lion One Metals (CVE:LIO) Stock Price Down 3.8% - What's Next?
Shares of Lion One Metals Limited (CVE:LIO) dropped by 3.8% during the mid-day trading session on Friday. The stock reached a low of C$0.25 and last traded at C$0.26. A total of 602,698 shares exchanged hands on that day, which is an increase of 25% compared to the average trading volume of 482,981 shares. The stock had closed the previous day at C$0.27.
Lion One Metals Stock Performance
The company holds a debt-to-equity ratio of 23.85 and has a current ratio of 4.51. Its quick ratio stands at 11.23. Lion One Metals has a market capitalization of C$67.82 million and a price-to-earnings (PE) ratio of -2.39, with a beta value of 0.43. Additionally, the stock's 50-day simple moving average is C$0.30, while its 200-day simple moving average is the same at C$0.30.
About Lion One Metals
Lion One Metals Limited focuses on the acquisition, exploration, and evaluation of mineral resources in Fiji. Its main property is the Tuvatu Gold project, which is entirely owned by the company. This project consists of four special prospecting licenses that cover an area of approximately 13,613 hectares on the island of Viti Levu.
Should You Invest in Lion One Metals?
Before making an investment decision, it is crucial to evaluate current analyst opinions. Currently, Lion One Metals holds a 'Hold' rating among analysts. However, several top-rated analysts believe there are five stocks that are better investment opportunities at this time.
For those looking to explore investment options with more potential, it may be worth researching the candidates that other analysts are recommending. This can help in making a more informed decision about whether to invest in Lion One Metals or consider alternatives.
Investors should stay updated on Lion One Metals and be aware of market trends. Understanding the dynamics of the gold market and other mineral resources can also provide insights that assist in future investment decisions.
LionOneMetals, Stocks, Investment