Ingram Micro Holding Corp. Declares Quarterly Dividend
Ingram Micro Holding Corp. (NYSE:INGM) has officially announced a quarterly dividend on March 4th, reported by RTT News. Shareholders who are on record as of March 11th will receive a dividend of $0.074 per share, which is scheduled to be paid on March 25th. When annualized, this amounts to a total dividend of $0.30 and corresponds to a yield of 1.42%.
Ingram Micro Stock Performance
On the day of the announcement, Ingram Micro's stock saw an increase of 0.6%, trading up by $0.13 to reach a price of $20.87. The trading volume for the day was 645,863 shares, significantly higher than the average volume of 411,492. Over the past year, the stock has experienced a low of $18.90 and a high of $25.69. The company's 50-day simple moving average is currently at $21.98. Additionally, Ingram Micro has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.93, a quick ratio of 0.96, and a current ratio of 1.40.
Earlier on the same day of the dividend announcement, Ingram Micro also published its earnings results, reporting $0.92 in earnings per share, surpassing analysts' expectations of $0.89 by $0.03. Analysts are predicting that the company will achieve an earnings per share of 2.71 for the current fiscal year.
Recent Analyst Ratings
Recently, several analysts have provided their evaluations of Ingram Micro's stock. BNP Paribas initiated coverage, assigning a "neutral" rating with a target price of $25.00. Meanwhile, Bank of America set a "buy" rating with a price objective of $30.00. Other analysts such as Melius issued a "hold" rating with a target of $26.00. Notably, Morgan Stanley upgraded Ingram Micro from an "equal weight" rating to a "overweight" rating, adjusting their price objective from $25.00 to $27.00. Currently, a total of five equity analysts have rated the stock as a hold, while eleven have given it a buy rating. According to MarketBeat data, Ingram Micro holds an average rating of "Moderate Buy" with an average price target of $28.14.
About Ingram Micro
Ingram Micro is recognized as a major solutions provider in the global IT ecosystem, helping to drive the operations of leading technology brands. The company boasts a vast infrastructure and focuses on providing client-end solutions, along with advanced and cloud-based solutions. This enables partners to scale effectively and operate more efficiently in their respective markets.
dividend, stocks, earnings